Thursday, 29 August 2013

NCC Information

 NCC ( National Cadet Corps) 

Aims of NCC is to develop qualities of Character, Courage, Comradeship, discipline, leadership, secular out look, spirit of adventure and sportsmanship and the ideals of selfless service among the youth, to make them useful citizens. To create human resource of organized, trained and motivated youth, to provide leadership in all walks of life including the Armed forces and be always available for the service of the nation. And create suitable environment to motivate the youth to take up a carrier in the armed forces.

Opportunity for personality development.
Incentives to achieve academic excellence.
Opportunity to participate in adventure activities.
Monetary and medical assistance to cover mishap during adventure activities.
Opportunity to travel abroad, march proudly on the rajpath during republic day parade.
No military service liability.
Easy terms to enter the armed forces, military nursing service and other para military forces.
To meet the president of India, Prime minister, Governors, Chief minister, service chief and  
      prominent personalities who control the destiny.
To visit foreign lands.
            All this and more is possible, if you join as a NCC Cadet.

There are two types of training (1) Institutional training (2) Camp training
Various Camps :-
Basic Leadership Camp.
Thalsainik Camp.
Rock Climbing Camp.
National Integration Camp.
Republic Day Camp.
Combined Annual Training Camp.
Annual Training Camp.
Trekking Expedition.
Para Sailing.
Rock Climbing.
Cycle or Motor Cycle Expediting.
Youth Exchange Programme.

Blood Donation
Anti Polio Drive.
Cleanliness Drive.
Adult Education.
Tree Plantation.
In Election Duty.
Help During Religious Function
Cancer, Aids, Save Girl child awareness programmes.
Celebration of National Festivals.
Relief work during Calamites.
Help for Traffic Control
Traffic awareness
Flag Area Presentation
Occasional Functions like Farewell, College Annual - day etc.

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